Coffee Mug Artwork Competition The Winner The winner of our Mug Artwork Competition is the Bulgarian Circle Dance watercolour by Boriana Todorova! Congratualtions and thanks, Boriana!
It was a close race, with Martin William's design being the runner up. Click to see the voting details Shortlisted Entries We had a total of 23 artworks submitted for the competition, so we had a primary vote to select a shortlist of 4 designs. These are the shortlisted designs.
Mug 23 Front Mug 23 Middle Mug 23 Back The Competition Process Email Voting PID members can vote at the various classes or by email to president@perthinternationaldance.org.au by 31 May. Please nominate your preferred design in order, e.g. 1st Mug 99, 2nd Mug 88, 3rd Mug 77 NOTE: email votes will be scaled down because the web view may be misleading. Vote in person if possible.
Competition Details The rules for competition entry:
The mugs will have a full colour wrap around print, covering the entire cup except the handle area. The print size is 70 x 200 mm, the cup circumference is 250mm.
Voting PID members can vote at the various classes. Voting 20 - 23 May will select a shortlist, and the final vote will be 28 - 30 May. Also, absent members will be able to vote by email, but their vote will reduced because they won't have seen the mocked up entries.
Updated July 2016 Comments? E-mail webadmin@perthinternationaldance.org.au |